
Чернобыль. Авария на ЧАЭС. Новости Чернобыля

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Новости: Отношение белорусов к ядерной энергетике за три года качественно изменилось

За последние три года отношение белорусов к ядерной энергетике характеризуется позитивными качественными изменениями, сообщил на пресс-конференции 18 сентября ведущий научный сотрудник Института социологии Национальной академии наук Беларуси Михаил Хурс. Об этом говорят социологические исследования, которые проводились институтом с 2005 года.

English - Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant: International Projects

Interim Spent Fuel Storage Facility (ISF-2): Construction "on a turn-key basis" is carried out by the Contractor – consortium consisting of firms FRAMATOME/Campenon Bernard-SGE/Bouegues (France). The Ukrainian subcontractors, implementing civil and erection works and manufacturing of the equipment and domestic engineering divisions are involved in Project realization.ISF- 2 is intended for long-term (within 100 years) storages of Spent Fuel Assemblies (FA) and spent additional absorbers (SAA) generated during ChNPP operation.

English - Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant: Shelter object

Construction: In the middle of May, 1986 the Governmental Commission has made a Decision on long-term conservation of destroyed Unit 4. Realization of this task was complicated by extremely high gamma - radiation fields, absence of reliable information on a level of destruction and on Unit 4 constructions condition, absence of similar accidents liquidation experience in global practice.
The task for the works performance connected to ChNPP Unit 4 conservation, was established by the Decision of SU CP Central Committee and USSR Council of Ministers dated June, 5, 1986 ¹ 663-194.

English - Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant: Accident of 1986

Assumptions: Accident at Unit 4 Chernobyl NPP occurred on April, 26, 1986 in 01.23 minutes 40 sec. (Moscow time) during one of a safety systems design tests implementation. This safety system provided usage of staying turbogenerators rotation mechanical energy (so-called stopway) for electric power generation in conditions of two emergency situations superposition. One of them - full loss of NPP electro supply, including MCP and pumps of reactor emergency cooling system (RECS); another - maximal designed accident (MDA) in the design the big diameter pipeline of a reactor circulating contour break has been considered as a reason of which.

English - Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant: Construction

Choice of a site: According to USSR Council of Ministers Decree, dated 29.06.66 in 1966-1977 it was planned to commission power capacities at a rate of 11.9 mln kwt, including with RBMK reactors - 8 mln kwt. One of Nuclear Power Plant should compensate deficiency of the electric power in the Central Energy Area - the largest in Integrated South Energy Grid (ISEG). With the purpose of an optimum variant choice for Nuclear Power Plant construction Kiev branch of a project institute 'Teploelectroproject" during 1965-1966 investigated 16 localities in Kiev, Vinnitsa and Zhitomir regions. Based on results of investigations the USSR State Planning Committee recommended for Nuclear Power Plant construction a site near Kopachy village in Kiev region. To the future plant it was given the name Chernobyl. The first information on Chernobyl we find in Ipatiyev chronicle.

» Страница 101

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