English - Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant: UN General Assembly informed about Belarus' nuclear power plant project
Andrey Dapkyunas, Belarus’ permanent representative to the United Nations, informed the UN General Assembly at Monday's plenary meeting about the Belarusian government’s decision to build the country's first-ever nuclear power plant.
English - Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant: International Projects
Interim Spent Fuel Storage Facility (ISF-2): Construction "on a turn-key basis" is carried out by the Contractor – consortium consisting of firms FRAMATOME/Campenon Bernard-SGE/Bouegues (France). The Ukrainian subcontractors, implementing civil and erection works and manufacturing of the equipment and domestic engineering divisions are involved in Project realization.ISF- 2 is intended for long-term (within 100 years) storages of Spent Fuel Assemblies (FA) and spent additional absorbers (SAA) generated during ChNPP operation.
English - Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant: Shelter object
Construction: In the middle of May, 1986 the Governmental Commission has made a Decision on long-term conservation of destroyed Unit 4. Realization of this task was complicated by extremely high gamma - radiation fields, absence of reliable information on a level of destruction and on Unit 4 constructions condition, absence of similar accidents liquidation experience in global practice.
The task for the works performance connected to ChNPP Unit 4 conservation, was established by the Decision of SU CP Central Committee and USSR Council of Ministers dated June, 5, 1986 ¹ 663-194.
English - Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant: Accident of 1986
Assumptions: Accident at Unit 4 Chernobyl NPP occurred on April, 26, 1986 in 01.23 minutes 40 sec. (Moscow time) during one of a safety systems design tests implementation. This safety system provided usage of staying turbogenerators rotation mechanical energy (so-called stopway) for electric power generation in conditions of two emergency situations superposition. One of them - full loss of NPP electro supply, including MCP and pumps of reactor emergency cooling system (RECS); another - maximal designed accident (MDA) in the design the big diameter pipeline of a reactor circulating contour break has been considered as a reason of which.
English - Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant: Construction
Choice of a site: According to USSR Council of Ministers Decree, dated 29.06.66 in 1966-1977 it was planned to commission power capacities at a rate of 11.9 mln kwt, including with RBMK reactors - 8 mln kwt. One of Nuclear Power Plant should compensate deficiency of the electric power in the Central Energy Area - the largest in Integrated South Energy Grid (ISEG). With the purpose of an optimum variant choice for Nuclear Power Plant construction Kiev branch of a project institute 'Teploelectroproject" during 1965-1966 investigated 16 localities in Kiev, Vinnitsa and Zhitomir regions. Based on results of investigations the USSR State Planning Committee recommended for Nuclear Power Plant construction a site near Kopachy village in Kiev region. To the future plant it was given the name Chernobyl. The first information on Chernobyl we find in Ipatiyev chronicle.